Congratulations on Becoming one of the Newest Members of the SU community!
Each graduate program will have its own additional requirements and schedules for admitted, incoming students. You will receive enrollment information directly from your graduate program of study. If you have additional questions about your enrollment process after contacting your graduate program office, please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions: | call: 540-665-4581 | text: 540-546-6029
Select your program below for the steps for admitted graduate students:
School of Health Professions
Anatomy & Physiology Certificate
Athletic Training
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Doctor of Medical Science
MS in Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Doctorate- Traditional
Post-Professional Occupational
Therapy Doctorate
Performing Arts Medicine Certificate
Physical Therapy-Traditional
Post-Professional Doctorate
of Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant Studies
Public Health
Speech-Language Pathology
School of Nursing
School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy- Traditional
Non-Traditional Pharmacy
Pharmacogenomics &
Personalized Medicine
College of Arts & Sciences
Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Cybersecurity
Division of Education & Leadership
School of Business
Shenandoah Conservatory